Friday, May 15, 2015

Two Dots Levels 261 - 285

I find the latest update of Two Dots slightly easier and I reached Level 285 in a couple of days. I didn't update this earlier on as I thought nobody was reading this but at the request of carenlyn, here are my tips which I wrote after playing all the stages again! My gameplay videos of these levels are available on Youtube

Level 261 - 264: You should kill the monsters but you shouldn't make it your ultimate aim since to complete the level you need to get coloured dots! If you focus too much on killing the monsters, you may not have enough moves to complete the level!

Level 265 - 270, 274: Different coloured monsters from the dots that you are supposed to get. Level 265 was slightly harder than 261 - 264. For breaking the ice and getting rid of the blocks, just focus on making squares and getting the dots rather than killing the monsters. You can still complete the levels without killing all the monsters.

Level 271 - 273: Use the monsters to curb the fire then you have to kill them if not it's hard to get the dots that you need to complete this level.

Level 275: In this case, you want to keep the monsters and getting them down to the fire level helps you to eliminate the fire quickly such that you can break the ice and make the dots.

Level 276 - 277: I find it necessary to try to get rid of the monsters but not letting it get in the way of making squares and sinking those anchors and making the dots.

Level 278 - 279: This wasn't easy as you have to break the ice and try to sink the anchors and not let the monsters eat your anchors.

Level 280: I left the green monsters alone but kept making squares so I cleared the anchors easily.

Level 281: The key to this level is how to snuff out the fire using the yellow monsters and then how not to let the fire and yellow monsters eat up your anchors so that you can clear this stage. Main things is to snuff out the fire and then kill the yellow monsters.

Level 282: I cleared this stage easily but can't seem to get even a single star which perplexes me. Maybe its because I didn't kill the green monsters in this level? Any reader has any insights on this level, please leave me a comment!

Level 283: Concentrate on making squares that are of the same colours as the monsters to break the blocks. You wouldn't need to kill the monsters or knock down all the blocks to complete this level. The best square to make first is dark blue so that you can free the monster and it'll start turning other dots dark blue.

Level 284: I found this stage rather hard and I used up many lives as the monsters keep on moving away from the two sides where the fire was and I had difficulty snuffing out the fire. Main thing is not to let both monsters come to the middle because they will never go back to the sides where the fire is raging and you have very little chance of clearing this stage. Work on snuffing out the fire and yes the monsters are more useful than detrimental in this stage.

Level 285: Focus on making squares that are of the same colours as the monsters so that they will break the blocks, snuff out the fire and you may have to kill some of them to get sufficient purple dots.


  1. I think they didn't code stars correctly for 282, mine is blank as well. I think there is one other board in the game with no stats as well, but I can't remember how far back it was. I think its just a bug.

    1. Hi Danine,

      Thanks for letting me know! I'm the only one who plays this game so there's nobody to ask!

    2. Same here, can seem to get any stars. Guess it's a bug

    3. Hi Sige,

      I'm surprised they haven't fixed the bug yet. Thanks for dropping by and letting me know!

  2. I read the blog and love this game, so keep the updates coming!

    1. Hi Romanda,

      Thanks for dropping by! Guess we are all eagerly waiting for the next update! :)

  3. I love this game too

    I achived the 285 level and waiting to unlock the next stage.

    1. Hi Liz Me,

      I dread to think that one day they will stop updating this game! The last time I was so addicted to a game was Monster Pet Shop... ;)

  4. Why is there only 5 moves on Level 285 ??

  5. Mine also has only 5 moves on Level 285 and the tutorials show 40 moves. Now what?

  6. I also only have 5 moves on Level 285. The tutorial has 40. How do I get it fix

    1. Don't worry, even with 40 it's still bloody impossible. I've been stuck on it for daaays!

  7. If you can't do it with 40, how am I going to do it with 5? How can I get it corrected? I don't know how to skip it? So am I done with Two Dots for good?
