Friday, May 22, 2015

Two Dots Levels 286 - 310

I tried my hands at the latest update of two dots and boy was the circuits a confusing new obstacle they had put in and I am still grappling with it! Here are my tips and hope it helps you! If you like, you can view videos of my gameplay for these levels on Youtube 

Level 286 - 287: The circuits basically are switched on when you connect the dots and then if you do a square that happens to be the same colours as the dots being switched on, they get switched off. Which complicates matters when you are trying to switch on all the circuits as well as collect the dots. These two stages are like trial runs so it shouldn't be too difficult in switching on all the circuits using normal connect the dots or even squares.

Level 288 - 294: These stages introduce the switches and you have to get a certain number of coloured dots as well. I find clearing the switches to be a hindrance at time as when I do blue squares for example,  it tends to switch off the same blue dots that are being switched on. Once the switches in a certain section are cleared, it explodes and clears off a number of dots. 

But if I solely focus on clearing the switches first, I run out of moves to get the required number of coloured dots. I tried to clear portions of switches, made some squares to get the dots and if you use a crate, the bomb is useless in helping you to clear this stage. The only crate that is useful is the teardrop which makes all the dots the same colour! I think it's about balancing both clearing the switches and getting the dots and I did waste two crates and a couple of lives to clear level 290 as the bottom row of switches was tough to clear. 

Level 295, 299: I think the best way is to make squares and once most of the dots have been switched on and all the four corners have been switched on, then slowly tackle the ones that are yet to be switched on. 

Level 296 - 298, 301, 306, 308 - 309: I like this stage since when the switches explode, you may get to kill some anchors as well so it really helps you in this game if you try to plan it that way! For Level 306, 308, I find it useful to make the same coloured squares as the dots that are trapping the blocks so that the switches can be turned on and then it'll explode.

Level 300: You have to minimize the number of moves to turn on the switches but that must be completed first before you can sink the anchors!

Level 302: It's best that you use squares as it will help to kill the switches, break the ice and reach the number of required dots.

Level 303 - 305: In this stage I find making squares to break off most of the ice first then kill the switches then break off the remaining ice the easier way to complete this level. For Level 305, I find it useful to make the same coloured squares as the dots that are trapping the blocks so that the switches can be turned on and then it'll explode.

Level 307: With the fire, I find it best to make squares to kill some switches and snuff out the fire and then continue killing the remaining switches.

Level 310: You have to clear the two side switches first before tackling the middle switch. I think in this case it makes sense to clear the switches first as you have two ice blocks stuck at the bottom which you can't break unless you clear the switches. The best is to make coloured squares to free the dots in the middle. Don't worry about the anchors, you can clear that easily.


  1. i won the 1st 2 games... but have no idea HOW i did it? i don't get what clears a circuit? help?

    1. Hi Deb,

      You switch on a circuit when you connect dots that are enclosed within it or if you make a square that has the same colored dots as those within the circuit. For eg if the circuit has blue, green, yellow dots, once you make a square of those colors or connect the dots then the switches are turned on. If you switch on the blue dot then later on you make a blue square again, the switch will be turned off.

  2. Hie Joyce,

    You are really a whiz at the game. The game was just updated on May 22 and you've already completed it (on the same day? =) I'm still stuck at Level 310. I guess I've to try your tips to help me sail through that level. You know what I look forward to when I complete each level? The postcard! It's like an achievement of sorts, to me, at least (",)

    1. Hi carenlyn,
      Nah not a whiz... Just very determined ;) I'm sure you'll clear level 310 very soon! I look forward to the postcards too! Can't wait for the next update!

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