Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Two Dots Levels 336 - 360

I really think that the latest update of Two Dots is really tough...who knew that lotus flowers can make you go bonkers! I spent way too much time trying to clear these stages and I wonder whether it's the same for the other gamers out there! This time I posted videos of my gameplay (Two Dots Youtube Channel) which I hope would be more helpful than the written tips!

P.S. I filmed it while holding my phone and playing the game at the same time so its not picture perfect quality! The worst part is I completed some levels and forgot to film so I had to play the level again! Finally completed all levels! 


  1. Replies
    1. I think it's 12th...not sure how you check it though

  2. Thanks again for posting these! This game is so addicting! :-)
