Sunday, July 17, 2016

Two Dots Level 736 - 760

Recently Two Dots update have failed to make me excited and that's not because the recent update of Sine Tone Valley is not fun but more like because I feel that the recent updates have been way too difficult! It seems that whoever is making the updates are hell bent on making $$$ from players who would buy lives and booster boxes etc. Some of the stages are just plain ridiculously difficult that even booster boxes don't help a single bit and they make it worst by putting the treasure hunt and the update at the same time. Which is why I've been playing the game on a less frequent basis but if you would still like to take a look at my gamplay, click here which is my YouTube page

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Two Dots Level 686 - 735

I have not been updating or playing two dots frequently as I've been very busy so I'm only like not even halfway through the latest update which is a mixture of bugs and water! I've been so busy that I don't even complete the treasure hunts each time they are being released especially because the updates seem to come out on Friday or the weekends which doesn't quite work out for me. Nevertheless, if you would like to take a look at my gameplay, click here

Monday, May 30, 2016

Two Dots Level 661 -685

It has been a while since the last update which is a continuation of the previous style which I feel is a reverse of slime! In this case you want to spread the water everywhere whereas in slime, you need to eliminate it before it submerges everything! As always, my gameplay is available here

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Two Dots Level 636 - 660

The latest update is a pretty straightforward version...the opposite of slime is water so whereas in slime you are to eliminate, in this latest update your job is to spread the water! I think the treasure hunt update is more difficult especially the last level. If you would like to take a look at my gameplay, please visit my Youtube page

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Two Dots Level 611 - 635

Beetle dots is back to torment me! Plus they also release the latest treasure hunt at the same time! I seriously think that slime, fire and beetle dots are the worst combination ever! But I still think that slime is the worst thing that Two Dots has created by a far margin. If you would like to take a look at my gameplay, please click here

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Two Dots Levels 586 - 610

The latest update of Two Dots was much more difficult than the previous one. The bugs freaked me out especially when they flapped their wings! Plus they released the treasure hunt almost at the same time which meant I was too busy trying to get my walkthroughs done for both! I completed the latest update then the treasure hunt and there were some levels which I felt was almost impossible like Level 609 and 610! Anyhow, if you like to take a look at my walkthroughs, please visit here

Monday, February 15, 2016

Two Dots Levels 561 - 585

The latest update of Two Dots was much more difficult than the previous one. Plus they released the treasure hunt at the same time which meant I was too busy trying to get my walkthroughs done for both! I completed the treasure hunt first then the latest update and there were some levels which I felt was almost impossible like Level 583! Anyhow, if you like to take a look at my walkthroughs, please visit here

Friday, January 22, 2016

Two Dots Levels 536 - 560

Once again, the team behind Two Dots never fail to surprise me! This time they came up with Gem Dots and the beautiful North Sky Country scenery! I've been posting my gameplay so take a look if you like at my YouTube channel